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BDT 550.00
- Small deciduous tree up to 3m high and 1.5 m (4.9 ft) in girth, moderately buttressed.
- Its bark is thick, corky, and deeply fissured. When slashed, it is pale pink, darkening rapidly.
- Branches are low and branchlets are glabrous.
- The leaves are pinnate, with 5-8 leaflets opposite pairs with a terminal leaflet.
- The flowers bloom for round the year and are sweet-scented, in large, lax terminal panicles of small white flowers.
- Fruits appear round the year following the inflorescence.
- Fruits are nearly 2-3 cm long, ovoid yellow, acid, wrinkled when dry.
- The fruits have a sharp, somewhat acid taste and are edible. Their flesh surrounds a single spiny kernel.